About Us

Who We Are


The Europe-ASEAN Business Alliance (EABA) is a member-driven alliance of leading European multinational companies with significant interests in the ASEAN region.

The aim of the Europe-ASEAN Business Alliance is to serve as a platform for dialogue with national governments and regional organisations and as a forum for discussion of issues of relevance to European business in the region.

EABA members have strongly invested in the ASEAN region.  The EABA seeks to draw from their knowledge of the ASEAN region combined with their experience of the EU integration process to support ASEAN closer collaboration and progress towards the ASEAN Economic Community, as well as to encourage trade and investment in the ASEAN region.

The EABA is an independent, non-profit organisation based in Singapore.

What We Do


The EABA focuses exclusively on public policy issues of relevance to European businesses in the ASEAN region.  The scope of EABA’s work and activities are determined solely by its members.

The EABA seeks to keep its members informed of important events and policy issues by way of its Lunchtime Talks. These focus both on the ASEAN regional integration process as well as on ASEAN member country policies. 

The EABA also organizes in-country Business Missions to meet with high-ranking representatives of national governments or regional organizations.  The EABA’s inaugural Business Mission to Myanmar took place in June 2012 and was followed by a Business Mission to Indonesia in November 2012.

In addition to these regular events, the EABA seeks to provide the opportunity for High-Level Meetings within Singapore and works together with its members to further their Regional Advocacy efforts.

Who Are Our Members


EABA members are leading European companies with strong business interests in the ASEAN region.

EABA members span a wide range of sectors and industries.

The founding members of the EABA include:


Membership of the EABA is open to leading companies headquartered in Europe with strong business interests in the ASEAN region.